One of the upsides of being the daughter of an global trotter business man. We talked about Brands building relationships to their customer today at the seminar. Well, I think EuroBonus have done a great job. This letter made me feel special even tough it is my father who is their real customer! Providing excellent services and better offers to the customer who buy flights most frequently is a really good idea!
The fact that you are able to share your treats to a friend or family is great! Now I will be able to travel to China in a much more comfortable way! 😃
Time to book the tickets!
Jenny 💛

Today I met up with the other Master student going to Guangzhou and a student from Lingnan University who is currently doing his exchange semester here at Stockholm Business School. After total confusion about what cafeteria we would be at, we found each other and had a lovely chat for a couple of hours. Learned a lot of new things, for instance, how will I survive without Gmail and doing group projects without Google Drive? Apparently there are Chinese alternatives available... Although it doesn't feel right to register a Hotmail account!
The Chinese school might also not be as though as I've heard, casual clothing is common in class and as a student you are allowed to skip a lecture sometimes. Housing still seems like one of the main issues, but my new friend promise to help out. Going to Guangzhou, I'm in for a cultural language challenge, English is not too common outside University. I'll be taking Mandarin courses, but most people speak Cantonese! Even my new friend who is fluent in Mandarin is worried of the difficulty finding a job in the city, since he doesn't understand Cantonese.
A lot of thoughts are running through my head now. Until next time,

After quickly galansing through the great guide of Beijing and Shanghai I realized I really need one of the south of China as well. Found this book about whole China and it will be great for inspirational use. Starting to get a picture of Canton/Guangzhou and I understand that I have to learn some Chinese, otherwise I will be pretty lost. Found this amazing book that will probably teach me a lot. The images and graphics are extraordinary! So excited, want to start learning right away but I will have to leave it for three more weeks. When this semester is over I will jump right into it!
Until next time,
Jenny 🌺

Got this guide book by Jenni the other day, can't wait to start reading, but first time for studying... Master courses doesn't care it's a Swedish holiday! 😅 Shanghai and Bejing are on the top of my list of Chinese cities I want to visit!

Did you know that the Candle Holder The Knot of Friendship by Josef Frank was designed as a symbol for peace and friendship. The first sketch of the candelabra is from 1938, one year before the outbreak of the Second World War. I love my knot so much, it is so beautiful and elegant, although discovering this message of meaning behind it makes it even more beautiful in my eyes. I think that the message is still relevant today.

So finally I can tell you,.. the next semester I will go on exchange to the exotic city of Guangzhou in south China! Had not heard about the place before starting this process, but to give you some short insights, it is a city of 14 million inhabitants and they have historically been very important for international trade. In swedish, the city is usally called Kanton.
I feel super excited about this life changing experience laying ahead of me. I'm really looking forward to explore the amazing architecture, wild nature, historical sites, delicate cuisine, and so much more. If anyone have insights about the GZ or China in general, please feel free to share. Love to get some insight and special tips!